What is FSMS (FSMS 22000 2018) and how does it affect our lives and businesses

What is FSMS (FSMS 22000 2018) and how does it affect our lives and businesses.

According to the World Health organization, the key food safety issues in 2017 included: Hazardous food containing harmful bacteria, viruses, parasites or chemical substances, resulted in more than two hundred diseases (starting from diarrhoea to cancers). Around six hundred million i.e. about one in ten persons in the world fell ill after consuming hazardous and contaminated food. Four hundred twenty thousand persons died every year due to it.

Children aged under five carried forty per cent burden of the food-borne disease. Diarrhoea illnesses were the most reported disease resulting from eating hazardous food. Five hundred fifty million people fell ill due to Diarrhea. Diseases, due to unsafe food, obstructed socioeconomic development by pushing health care systems to its extreme. It hurt national economies, tourism, and trade.

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